Taliesin West, Arizona
I first became interested in Frank Lloyd Wright as a teenager, after discovering a book about his work in my high school library. While an interest in architecture goes back to my childhood years, when I would draw very childlike representations of bridges and buildings, something about Wright's work stood out.
Over the years, due to the nature of my work, I have been fortunate to spend a lot of time in some very nice homes. However, only a few were as well designed and aestetically appealing as Taliesin West. I am not an architect, and do not know how to describe the impact his work has on me, but based on the popularity of his designs even today, his work obviously affects many others in the same way.
Sara also has a long standing interest in architecture, one that actually spans several lifetimes...more on that later. So needless to say, she was also very aware of Wright's work, and was just as excited to visit Taliesin, as the big smile evident in one of the photos shows. Although we have already taken the tour twice, it will likely not be the last time.
Visit Taliesin West, it is worth the effort.
Taliesin West