Who Am I?

In the summer of 1971 my parents spent some time surfing and exploring in the San Diego area, and nine months later I was born. 

My childhood years were spent in the Houston area, where I learned to appreciate the great indoors. According to my father, on occasion I would have conversations with people who weren't there. As we now know, some children are much more open to paranormal experiences when they are young, and not all imaginary friends are imaginary.

My school years were not very pleasant. I knew things (and didn't know to keep it to myself), which annoyed teachers and other students, and ultimately resulted in withdrawing from most social interaction. By the time high school came around, lunch hours were mostly spent in the Library reading Popular Mechanics magazines and a variety of books. Eventually I tested out of high school to attend technical college, which was liberating.

Starting in my early teens and continuing into my 20’s an interest in spirituality and metaphysics developed that knew no bounds. I started reading books about the subconscious mind and psychic abilities, which led to various indigenous and eastern philosophies as time went on.

While I spent my career playing with electronics, I have never lost interest in exploring how this life works.